Why Do Web Designers All Use Macs?
Luke Ertzberger Luke Ertzberger

Why Do Web Designers All Use Macs?

If you’ve spent any time in the design world, you’ve probably noticed a common theme: many web designers prefer Macs. But why is that? While it might seem like a stylistic choice, there are solid reasons behind the prevalence of Macs in creative fields, especially web design.

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Essential Gear Every Web Designer Needs
Luke Ertzberger Luke Ertzberger

Essential Gear Every Web Designer Needs

As a web designer, having the right tools can make all the difference in productivity, comfort, and creativity. At Luke Ertzberger Web Design, I know firsthand how investing in the right equipment can elevate your design process and deliver better results for your clients. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow or simply enhance your home office setup, I’ve curated a list of products that will help you achieve your goals.

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The Cost of a Cheap Website
Luke Ertzberger Luke Ertzberger

The Cost of a Cheap Website

In the quest to create or update a website, it’s tempting to choose the cheapest option available. After all, there are plenty of platforms offering quick, inexpensive solutions that promise professional-looking sites in just a few clicks. But while these options may seem cost-effective upfront, they often come with hidden expenses—both in terms of money and missed opportunities. Whether you’re a nonprofit seeking more visibility or a small business aiming to grow, investing in a custom, high-quality website design offers far better returns over time than a low-cost, cookie-cutter solution ever could.

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How to Future-Proof Your Website
Luke Ertzberger Luke Ertzberger

How to Future-Proof Your Website

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, having a well-designed website is crucial, but even more important is ensuring that your site remains relevant and effective as your business grows and evolves. This is where future-proofing comes into play. A future-proof website is designed with the flexibility to adapt to new technologies, trends, and user needs, ensuring longevity and ongoing success. So, how can you build a website that stands the test of time? Here are five key features your business needs to future-proof your site.

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